• Reporting
  • [FS04-2670, FSR-1215] - Fixed: Resolved an issue that stopped devices from appearing in the Account Device Summary Billing Report.
  • [FS04-2544, FSR-1201] - Fixed: Fixed an issue that excluded some columns for scheduled reports.
  • Performance
  • [FS04-2506] - Improved: Improved performance of and responsiveness to large numbers of DCA connections.

  • Alerts
  • [FS04-2285, FSR-1115] - Fixed: Resolved an issue causing Printanista to create duplicate sales quotes or orders in e-automate under certain circumstances.
  • Administration
  • [FS04-2475, FSR-1178] - Fixed: Resolved an issue preventing the Save function in Manage Templates from working properly.

  • [FS04-2220] - Added: Added "Upgrade all Onsites to ECI DCA" button to Manage DCAs page. When selected, the application will queue all accounts with active Onsites for upgrade to ECI DCA.

  • [FS04-1506] - Improved: Administration > Syncs >Settings >Global ERP - Clear ERP Data tab - removed the ability to disable the Sync History Purge. Sync history retention period is now a maximum of 90 days.
    • Users can no longer disable this automatic purge.
    • 90 days is the maximum retention period available.
    • If the purge was previously disabled, it will be automatically enabled with this release.
    • For any sites with the retention period set greater than 90 days, it will automatically be set to 90 days with this release.

  • Alerts
  • [FS04-2331] - Improved: Increased font size of Item field in Alerts UI.
  • Reports
  • [FS04-2407] - Improved: Adjusted default state for Start, End, Difference, and Average column selections under Extended Counters to checked.

  • Administration
  • [FS04-2287, FSR-1113] - Fixed: Resolved issue causing license expiry notification to appear erroneously.
  • [FS04-1508] - Fixed: Corrected an issue occurring when an account was created which caused Server Log Error "Failed to create account note to document DCA creation: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.".
  • Reporting
  • [FS04-2278] - Improved: Added ability to include/exclude the Start, End, Difference, and Average Monthly columns for each meter using checkboxes in the Columns settings for the Meter Report.

  • Administration
  • [FS04-2145] - Removed: Removed End-User Account Creation functionality and associated settings in Server Configuration.
  • [FS04-1886, FSR-924] - Fixed: Corrected an issue that prevented the authentication token from being included in the Installer email when sent from the Manage DCAs page.
  • Reporting
  • [FS04-2278] - Improved: Minor changes to Green Report output process
  • [FS04-2217, FSR-1088] - Added: Added “Use last scan before start date” option to Meter Report settings. Enabling this option will result in the first/opening audit for a given device to be the most recent audit that occurred on or before the start date of the indicated range. If no such audit exists within 90 days of the Start Date, it will fall back to using the minimum date-valued audit occurring after the start date of the indicated range.
  • [FS04-1875] - Added: Added filter for Supply Type to the Supply Replacement report, allowing users to narrow the results of the report as needed.

Notice: The End-User Account Creation feature will be removed in the 5.8.10 release. If you have any concerns, please reach out to our product support team.
  • Alerts
  • [FS04-2088, FSR-1037] - Improved: Improved UI for Alerts page. Added text wrapping to handle longer field names required for some languages and updated cartridge color display to highlight/backfill text for Item.

Notice: The End-User Account Creation feature will be removed in an upcoming release. If you have any concerns, please reach out to our product support team.
  • Administration
  • [FS04-1468, FSR-736] - Fixed: Corrected a rare error that prevented a user from being able to login.
  • [FS04-2035] - Improved: A notification will appear under the Account Selector when the system has been updated to a new version, linking to the Release Notes page so that the user may obtain more information. Selecting the link or the 'X' icon will remove this notification.
  • Security
  • [FS04-2146] - Improved: Security check to ensure user cannot be redirected to another site via the ReturnURL parameter.

  • Integration
  • [FS04-1516] - Improved: Added a Meters array to the EAutomate response. The meters are the ESN Sync Mapped meters for the given ESN Sync for the device (functional with future e-automate release).
  • [FS04-1765] - Improved: e-automate integration includes Meters and Supplies (functional with future e-automate release)
  • Import
  • [FS04-1677, FSR-856] - Fixed: Administration >Accounts >Import Accounts was generating an Internal Error when trying to import .fma files.
  • Reporting
  • [FS04-1701, FSR-843] - Fixed: Resolved an error that prevented the Account Reporting Status from generating.

  • Devices
  • [FS04-1234, FSR-709] - Improved: Removed delays for newly unblocked devices to be processed immediately.
  • Account
  • [FS04-1482, FSR-763] - Fixed: An issue where Custom Installer Templates created for Parent accounts were not available for Child Accounts.
  • [FS04-1554, FSR-763] - Fixed: Changes to Installer Templates used when a dealer/account is defined below a Parent account with an Installer Template set as the default, when using the Notify option from the Account the default template was not available.

  • Administration
  • [FS04-1678] - Fixed: When creating a new Alert Definition in Administration >Alerts >Create Alert Definition using Filtered Method: Model Family, the Method Values- Manufacturer and Model dropdown options failed to populate.
  • Devices
  • [FS04-1181] - Fixed: Some Lexmark devices had the inaccurate toner serial numbers.
  • Report
  • [FS04-1728] - Added: Reports >Meter Report - When Double Click meters was selected the End Meter, Difference and Average column were missing.

Version: 5.8.0 - May 15th, 2024

Notice: The "Transpose Fields" feature (Administration > Processing > Transpose Fields) will be removed on the next release. If you have any concerns, please reach out to our product support team.
  • Account
  • [FS04-1481,FS04-1265,FS04-1260,FS04-1259,FS04-965] - Added -

    The ability to delete a DCA is now available to allow users to remove inactive DCAs and keep active DCAs listed with the Account. Users can delete a DCA when it is no longer needed due to the DCA being uninstalledand/or moved to a new PC. This allows users to maintain a clean list of active DCAs.

    Users with access to Manage DCAs can delete unwanted DCAs from two different screens:

    1. Account > Installs > Settings
    2. Administration > Accounts > Manage DCAs

    Please note the following related additions:

    • Administration > Accounts > Manage DCAs has added the following columns to the display: Deleted, Date Deleted, and Deleted By
    • Administration > Accounts > Manage DCAs now includes Settings to allow filtering for display and reporting on Deleted DCAs"
  • Admistration
  • [FS04-1266] - Removed - "Administration > Processing > Transpose Fields has been removed from Printanista. Advanced notice of this removal has been published on this page since January 2024."

Version: 5.7.3 - May 2nd, 2024

Notice: The "Transpose Fields" feature (Administration > Processing > Transpose Fields) will be removed on the next release. If you have any concerns, please reach out to our product support team.
  • Devices
  • [FS04-1668] - Improved - Improved performance of Supplies tab.
  • Sync (ESN)
  • [FS04-1641] - Fixed - Resolved an issue causing ESN sync to use too much memory.
  • Alerts
  • [FS04-1605] - Fixed - Resolved an issue that prevented Service Alerts from generating.

Version: 5.7.2 - April 25th, 2024

Notice: The "Transpose Fields" feature (Administration > Processing > Transpose Fields) will be removed on the next release. If you have any concerns, please reach out to our product support team.
  • Sync (ESN)
  • [FS04-1433] - Fixed - Implemented batch processing for meter insertion to improve ESN sync

Version: 5.7.1 - March 25th, 2024

Notice: The "Transpose Fields" feature (Administration > Processing > Transpose Fields) will be removed on the next release. If you have any concerns, please reach out to our product support team.
  • Sync (ESN)
  • [FS04-1350] - Fixed - Resolved an issue with ESN Sync caused by truncated ERPAccountID values.

Version: 5.7.0 - March 12th, 2024

Notice: The "Transpose Fields" feature (Administration > Processing > Transpose Fields) will be removed on the next release. If you have any concerns, please reach out to our product support team.
Introducing Consolidated Alerts – Imagine the delight of your customers when they receive all their ordered items in a single shipment, efficiently bundled together thanks to Consolidated Alerts. This innovative solution empowers users to maximize savings by employing a secondary set of triggers once a primary trigger is activated. The flexibility of the secondary triggers enables you to customize thresholds according to your business requirements. This means you can combine multiple alerts and ship your supplies together, eliminating unnecessary shipping costs and streamlining the delivery process.
  • Administration
  • [FS04-1143] - Added: Administration > Alerts > Settings > Alerts Global Settings > ASM Processing Setting tab - Enable ASM is enabled as the default.
  • [FS04-720] - Added: Admnistration > Syncs > ESN Cloud - General tab - Server Type field Added AUS- Production to the dropdown list.
  • Alerts
  • [FS04-890] - Added: With the release of Consolidated Alerts the Alerts tab has added information to aid users to view the trigger creating the alert. The “Detected” row will now display “Multiple” if “Match All” is selected. If “Match Any” is selected when multiple triggers are met only the first trigger met is displayed.
  • [FS04-869] - Fixed: When sales quotes were sent to Eautomate the Bill To Address was sent. This has been changed to send the Ship To Address
  • [FS04-453] - Added: Administration > Alerts > Create Alert Definition - added the Consolidated Alerts control setting "Enable consolidation options". When checked, this allows the user to set up secondary trigger conditions for an alert that will trigger once a primary condition has triggered an alert for the same account.
  • API
  • [FS04-1147] - Improved: Two fields have been added to the API response when devices report consumable levels as numerical values or threshold-based indicators, such as "OK", "Low" or “Empty” IsNormalized: This indicates whether the consumable level is represented numerically. NormalizedRemaining: This field provides textual representations such as "OK", "Low", or "Empty” depending on the device's consumable level status.
  • [FS04-1113] - Improved: Updated the code that saves the account mapping in the Accounts table to save multiple mappings. Previously single account mapping was saved previously
  • [FS04-911] - Added: API's were added to support the Printanista and Eautomate integration.
  • Imports
  • [FS04-591] - Fixed: Corrected an issue when using the Devices > Administrative Functions > Import > Import Device & Meter Data tab where data was not imported as expected and no new devices were created.
  • Performance
  • [FS04-910] - Improved: Changes made to indexing to the data sync to aid performance.
  • [FS04-1168] - Improved: Reports > Devices > Green Report was updated to the V4 default format
  • Reports
  • [FS04-215] - Fixed: Fixed a locking issue causing Gateway Timeout error when selecting the Main Account, then Reports > Accounts Reporting Status - Generate Report.

Version: 5.6.4 - Feb 19th, 2024

Notice: The "Transpose Fields" feature (Administration > Processing > Transpose Fields) will be removed on the next release. If you have any concerns, please reach out to our product support team.
  • Migration
  • [FS04-1112] - Fixed: DCA activation PIN stored in the wrong database column.
  • Performance
  • [FS04-974] - Limited the number of DCA connections per minute to improve performance.
  • [FS04-967] - Improved query performance for Administration > Accounts > Manage Accounts page.

Version: 5.6.3 - Jan 25th, 2024

Notice: The "Transpose Fields" feature (Administration > Processing > Transpose Fields) will be removed on an upcomming release. If you have any concerns, please reach out to our product support team.
  • Security
  • [FS04-979] - Security: Minor Improvements

Notice: The "Transpose Fields" feature (Administration > Processing > Transpose Fields) will be removed an upcomming release. If you have any concerns, please reach out to our product support team.
  • Administration
  • [FS04-618] - Added: detailed entries to Account > Notes tab for the following activities: • Added DCA • Upgrade DCA • Reset DCA The added Notes include Contact Name (user who actioned). [Instance Name - GUID] at [datetime]"
  • Languages
  • [FS04-633] - Fixed: random incorrect translations affecting Settings labels in Administration > Reports > Scheduled Reports.
  • [FS04-255] - Fixed : Changed an incorrect translation when using French language. The ‘Apply’ button to activate/deactivate Alert Definitions was displayed in French as ‘Tout marquer comme Gérés’ . This has been changed to ‘Appliquer’.
  • [FS04-102] - Fixed : Changed an incorrect translation when using French language for the following Administration/Accounts/Export Accounts. French language was incorrectly translated to Administration > Comptes > Exporter les équipements. This has been changed to Administration > Comptes > Comptes
  • [FS04-276] - Fixed : Resolved an issue to ensure Printanista displays for all dialects of English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and French.
  • Performance
  • [FS04-772] - Improved : Increased the Timeout for DCAs to connect or reconnect to Printanista Hub.
  • Permissions
  • [FS04-705] - Fixed : Fixed a login issue allowing users associated with a Disabled account to log in.
  • Reports
  • [FS04-570] - Improved : Users are now able select the localization for scheduled reports so that the language and date/time format can be selected. This will default to the user's browser language. Please note that column headers will display in English unless the selected Localization is an officially supported language for Printanista.
  • Security
  • [FS04-590] - Improved : Added additional contact validation when using the Password Reset page. Removed messaging from password reset page indicating existence of a system user to potential threat actors.

  • Administration
  • [FSD04-567] - Added : The name of the top-level account in the heirarchy is now editable with the appropriate permissions.
  • [FSD04-564] - Added : Warning displays in UI when user attempts to add an account with the same name as a blocked account in the Deleted Accounts table.
  • [FSD04-562] - Fixed: User Login Tracking graph displays as expected.
  • [FSD04-513,514,500] - Added : Users with appropriate permissions are now able to Disable an account. When an account is disabled, users who only have access to that account will no longer be able to login, alerts will no longer be processed and reports will no longer be sent until the account is re-enabled. Please note that disabling an account will disable that account and all respective child accounts.
  • Alerts
  • [FSD04-496] - Fixed : Corrected an issue where Contains/Contains NOT dropdown was set incorrectly when loading the page to edit an alert definition.
  • [FSD04-495] - Fixed : RDL icon in View Details modal accessed from an Alert will now open RDL.
  • Devices
  • [FSD04-563] - Fixed : Edit Part # modal shows the correct number of devices for the selected account.
  • [FSD04-498] - Fixed : Corrected an issue that caused Location for devices to appear incorrectly after migration from IDM.
  • Languages
  • [FSD04-566] - Fixed : Translations will now appear as expected regardless of the dialect selected in the browser language settings (Portuguese will appear when browser language is Portuguese, Brazilian).
  • [FSD04-565] - Fixed : Green Report respects cultural number formatting based on browser language.
  • Performance
  • [FSD04-103] - Improved : Optimized the DCA connection logic in Printanista.
  • [FSD04-101] - Improved : Improved performance of global search function.
  • Reports
  • [FSD04-497] - Improved : Meter Report: Added checkboxes for Audit Date (Start) and Audit Date (End) to the column selector so that they can be added or removed.

  • Account
  • [FSD04-2913] - Addressed : Removed the Webaudit Deployer with the introduction of Multi-DCA.
  • Dashboard
  • [FSD04-2743] - Updated : To align with the introduction of Multiple DCA capabilities, the Dashboard widget previously known as "Accounts Not Reporting" changed to "DCAs Not Reporting". This change reflects an enhanced functionality and allows for better tracking and monitoring of multiple DCA instances.
  • Language
  • [FSD04-3371] - Fixed : "The Reports > Devices > Green Report - the Year date selector field incorrectly translated to "aaaa" when using translation languages of French, German, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese.
  • [FSD04-3380, 3371, 3369] - Fixed : Adjustments made in various places to accommodate language updates where items were cut off or otherwise did not fit.
  • [FSD04-3354] - Fixed : The new Account creation wizard title fields were not translated to German language.
  • [FSD04-3353] - Fixed : The new Account creation wizard Step 4 fields were not translated to German language.
  • [FSD04-2458] - Fixed : Account Creation wizard Step 4 was not translated.
  • [FSD04-2440] - Fixed : Account Creation header records were not translated.
  • Performance
  • [FSD04-3475] - Improved : Database schema updates made to improve performance for Printanista Hosted/Cloud installations.
  • Permissions
  • [FSD04-3572] - Added : Reports > Account > DCA Versions report added the display for each DCA instance installed per account, coordinating with release of Multi-DCA.

  • Administration
  • [SR-6096] - Updated : The ESN Sync Meter Mapping naming convention has been changed replacing Tabloid Mono Pages, Tabloid Color Pages and Tabloid Total Pages to now be named Large Mono Pages, Large Color Pages and Large Total Pages.
  • Alerts
  • [SR-5917] - Addressed : "An issue with Tray Alerts being triggered that was not resolved by a previous release.
    • Non-Marker Supplies - triggers for non-marker supplies - excluding any Trays
    • Non-Marker Supplies Including Trays - triggers for non-marker supplies and for specific Trays"
  • Device
  • [SR-5878] - Added : The Account Name above Manufacturer information in Device Details page.
  • Language
  • [FSD04-3287] - Added : Language translations have been added for: French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.
  • [SR-5837] - Fixed : Fixed an issue under certain circumstances which caused English column headings of Level %, Coverage%, Yield, Date, End of Life Estimate to display as French Niveau %, Coverage%, Yield, Date, estimee de fin de vie.
  • Performance
  • [SR-5869] - Addressed : Optimized Background Processing which was not updating efficiently.
  • Permissions
  • [SR-6058] - Fixed : An issue with Administration > Users > Permission Levels for Part Number Information was not showing as an option for Custom Permission levels.

  • Account
  • [SR-5822] - Fixed : A display issue when viewing Accounts using Detailed View.
  • Administration
  • [SR-5927] - Fixed : In a specific sequence of entries in Administration> Alerts> Settings> Alerts Processing Behavior, the Alert Action Type of Place ESN Supplies Order option was missing.
  • [SR-5928] - Fixed : An issue in Administration > Customizations> Account Branding when trying to upload a .png image file.
  • Alerts
  • [FSD04-3155] - Updated : Validate supplies for HP devices to accept consumables not reporting the CartridgeStatus field.
  • [FSD04-1748] - Improved : Administration> Alerts> Settings> Alerts Processing Behavior added visibility of the Dealer Gateway Number when selecting Alert Action Type of e-automate Service Tickets.
  • Sync (ESN)
  • [FSD04-2897] - Fixed : Object reference not set to an instance of the object,NullReferenceException error when running ESN Cloud Sync when ‘Only sync devices with meters due’ is disabled in Administration> Syncs> ESN Cloud> Sync Name> Data to Sync tab.
  • [FSD04-2841] - Updated : When Printanista sends Supply Orders/Sales Quotes via ESN to EAutomate, changed the "Source" field to Printanisata rather than FMAudit to better identifiy the entry source is from Printanista.
  • Reports
  • [FSD04-3110] - Fixed : Legacy Meter Report template migration to the new Meter Report was failing when encountering invalid culture identifier
  • [FSD04-2795] - Fixed : An issue where the word "Devices" was incorrectly translated on Scheduled Report Emails Subject fiels when using Spanish or French translations.
  • Security
  • [FSD04-2455] - Fixed: Removed custom login encryption to address CVE-2022-40306
  • [FSD04-2769] - Security : An issue causing Release Notes to not be accessible.
  • UI
  • [FSD04-2724] - Improved : Corrected URL for some error pages to allow errors to display as expected.

  • Reports
  • [FSD04-2879 / 2864 / 2847 / 2643] - Added : Introducing a new Meter Report which contains the new export options: Xlxs, Comma Separated, Semicolon Separated, Tab Separated and Pipe Separated. The original Reports > Meters > Meter Report was renamed to Meter Report (Legacy).
  • Account
  • [FSD04-2550] - Fixed : Account Names containing more than 64 characters/positions (only possible with migration) caused the Supply Levels report to generate an error. Note: When manually creating accounts users are not permitted to use more than 64 character/position length.
  • Administration
  • [FSD04-2632] - Fixed : Administration > Reports > Scheduled Reports Management incorrect display of 0 (zero) in the When and Time columns.
  • Devices
  • [FSD04-2880] - Addressed : An issue when a supply reported as invalid, other valid supplies were reported as invalid. Changes made to only reject the specific invalid supply and not all the supplies data.
  • [FSD04-2717] - Fixed : An issue causing "An internal error occurred." when accessing Devices > View Details > Supplies > Historical tab
  • [SR-5919] - Fixed : Estimated Empty Date was not always getting updated at the time consumable supply was replaced.
  • Documentation
  • [FSD04-2992] - Improves : Help Documentation with added details related to IP Address and CIDR information.
  • Migration
  • [FSD04-2744] - Fixed : An issue with Admin > Customizations > Templates > Email Templates generating an error after migration from FMAudit to Printanista.
  • Performance
  • [FSD04-2684] - Added : Server-side paging to ESN Sync results display to avoid unnecessary transmission of large amounts of data and bulk client-side rendering of data.
  • [FSD04-1932] - Added : Automatic logout extended the timeout from 60 minutes to 1440 minutes (1 day).
  • Security
  • [FSD04-2257] - Improved : Enhanced encryption
  • Sync (ESN)
  • [FSD04-1425] - Added : Database Name has been added to Administration > Syncs > ESN Cloud when the Sync API option is set to ESN Printanista to accommodate customers with multiple e-Automate databases.
  • Updating
  • [FSD04-2852] - Improved : The reset warning displayed when downloading ECI DCA will also be displayed for Onsite, allowing the user to configure settings if needed.

  • Permissions
  • [FSD04-2711] - Fixed : Fixed an issue originating on Printanista 5.4.0 which prevented users with custom permissions from logging in to access Printanista.

  • Administration
  • [SR-5333] - Fixed : Resolved an issue with custom branding being removed in error if uploading a new brand for child accounts. This also resolves an issue with account name appearing in the Account Branding grid not updating upon rename of the associated account.
  • Alerts
  • [SR-5449] - Added : The ability to Copy existing Alert Definitions to create new Alert Definition. The new Alert Definition "created on date" uses the date the copy is done. The New Alert Definition created by the Copy option is automatically set as Disabled.
  • Permissions
  • [SR-5105] - Added : A setting to Administration>Users>Permission Levels-Editable Fields-Device Field Groups named: Part Number Information. This feature allows for enabling or disabling the ability to edit Part # field in Devices >View Details>Supplies tab.
  • Reports
  • [FSD04-2079] - Fixed : Adjusted column alignment in Print view due to misaligned meter values in report output.
  • [FSD04-2535] - Added : Reports > Account > Account Device Summary Billing Report now contains added columns with the sum of the device count for the selected account down through its child hierarchy. New report settings allow you to control display/aggregation of data in the report.
  • [FSD04-2542] - Fixed : Corrected invalid links in scheduled reports emailed and in Administration > Reports > View Reports History. This issue originated on Printanista Hub version 5.3.0.
  • [SR-5157] - Addressed : Removed reference to FMAudit from the Green Report.

  • Administration
  • [FSD04-1725 / FSD04-2055] - Added : Introducing new features to simplify the migration from FMAudit to Printanista. The new features allow for "Remap All Onsites" and "Register All ECI DCAs" to a new/different URL in Administration > Server > Account Remapping.
  • [FSD04-1762] - Fixed : Changes made to the stored procedures to allow Future Audit Dates to be removed.
  • Alerts
  • [FSD04-1349] - Addressed : Alert definitions provides options to include or exclude Tray alerts using Non-Marker Supplies or Non-Marker Supplies Including Trays.
  • [FSD04-1603] - Fixed : Typographical errors in the Create Alert Definition screen.
  • Deployment
  • [FSD04-32] - Improved : ECI DCA download and activation process was updated in Printanista Hub to always use the DCA Registry.
  • Devices
  • [FSD04-525 FSD04-1642 FSD04-524] - Added: Devices tab has new features related to the state/status of devices. Delete option now opens a new window, allowing the user the option to Delete and Block and enter a Reason for the Delete action. In the Settings there are new Columns and Filters: State, State Change by, State Change Date and State Change Reason. You can choose to add the new Columns to your Templates. The new filters allow inquiry on the Who, When and Why the State of the device was changed.
  • Migration
  • [FSD04-2151] - Fixed: On Printanista 5.2.1 -A migration issue preventing devices using Onsite from communicating with Printanista, causing SQL datetime insertion and parameter count mismatch errors.
  • Performance
  • [FSD04-2237] - Fixed : Resolved a deadlock issue that occurred when saving data in WebAudit which caused Printanista to be temporarily be unavailable
  • [FSD04-1805] - Improved : Identified and resolved issues causing high CPU usage.
  • Permissions
  • [FSD04-2061] - Fixed : A user with Power User permissions accessing Account > Contacts, the Role and Visibility selections could not be edited. The Edit, Remove and Save buttons were missing.
  • Processing
  • [FSD04-1444] - Improved : ASM XML Sync configurable at all levels in hierarchy, not only at the root level.
  • Remote Device Link
  • [FSD04-2272] - Fixed : After deploying an ECI DCA 1.5.2 when upgrading to Printanista Hub 5.2.1 . When trying to use Remote Device Link for ECI DCA an invalid error message was received "Remote Device Link Error - Cannot start Remote Device Link” with an invalid message stating the DCA was stopped or disconnected, which was not a valid statement.
  • Reports
  • [FSD04-1346] - Added : Options when Emailing Scheduled reports: Link Only or Excel File-Xlsx or Text File- Comma Separated, Semicolon Separated, Tab Separated or Pipe Separated.
  • [FSD04-1894 / FSD04-1745] - Added : Ability to export all reports as: Xlsx, Comma Separated, Semicolon Separated, Tab Separated or Pipe Separated.
  • [FSD04-1326] - Added : A new report in Reports>Account>Account Device Summary Billing Report. Allows reporting the number of Blocked Devices, UnManaged Devices, Managed Devices and Devices Created during selected dates/periods.
  • [FSD04-2229] - Addressed : Removed an invalid character from the first column heading of Administration > Reports > View Reports History display.
  • Security
  • [FSD04-2139] - Improved : Cookie properties to enhance security.
  • Service Ticket Integration
  • [FSD04-1872] - Added : Submission of the Make and Model information when submitting service calls to Eautomate. Previously only the Serial number was submitted which had potential for problems if a Dealer has devices with duplication of serial numbers for different manufacturers.
  • [FSD04-1742] - Improved : When using the Service Ticket integration with Eautomate, Printanista will no longer send invalid Remote Device Links when devices are monitored by Onsite. Remote Device Links will only be sent to Eautomate with the Service Ticket when the device is monitored by ECI DCA. Remote Device Link is not functional when using Onsite.
  • [FSD04-1754] - Improved : Removed the repetition of the Problem in the Service Ticket Details sent to Eautomate
  • Updating
  • [FSD04-2067] - Added : If an ECI DCA is already installed and connected, then an attempt to re-download the ECI DCA again, this is not allowed. The user will receive an Error box stating: "ECI DCA is already installed and activated for thisa account. If you want to install a new DCA, the existing one needs to be Reset in the Manage DCAs administration page"
  • UI
  • [FSD04-1918] - Fixed : When using a PC set to use Spanish or Italian language, when using the password reset an incorrect/invalid temporary password {PASSWORT} was sent in the email. Fixed to send the correct temporary password {PASSWORD}.
  • [FSD04-2155] - Fixed : A materialization error on null ColorantIndex values when attempting to display Supplies > Historical graph.

  • Migration
  • [FSD04-2151] - Fixed : A migration issue preventing devices using Onsite from communicating with Printanista, causing SQL datetime insertion and parameter count mismatch errors.
  • [FSD04-2056] - Fixed : Permission levels to be displayed in the Migrate Users page of IDM can now be configured in Printanista Hub.
  • Sync
  • [FSD04-2139] - Fixed : An issue causing the ESN Sync to fail with the following error: 'Error: Data Sync The Value for column 'EditedFields' in Table 'Device' is DBNull' status'

  • Administration
  • [FSD04-865] - Added : Administration > Server > Integrations > Integrations and Features - Remote Device Link default settings have been added to allow Dealers control of RDL-Remote Device Link settings.
  • Account
  • [FSD04-446] - Added : When deleting a Parent account, the child accounts could still present without a valid Parent. Added messaging/information to move subaccounts/child accounts to new Parent prior to deletion.
  • [FSD04-1134] - Added : When accounts are Deleted they are no longer deleted immediatelly. As a change when an account is Deleted is now considered a "Soft Delete". The soft delete provides a 30 day grace period before the accounts are permanently deleted. If the account was deleted in error or needs to be reinstated it is now possible to restore the account if it is within 30 days of being deleted.
  • [FSD04-526] - Added : Users cannot delete the Top/Parent Accounts. This avoids users accidentally removing entire hierarchies which may represent an entire Dealer or a Reseller hierarchy in a multi-tenant structure.
  • Alerts
  • [FSD04-1813] - Fixed : "An internal error…" when attempting to access the Alerts tab due to an issue when a triggered alert containded an ASM XML Sync action.
  • [FSD04-1779] - Fixed : Alerts were re-triggering in error when initially Suppress Until Replaced was used. The issue was caused if only the name of a supply is changed and the other values were kept. Now the same hashcode of the last imported consumable with the same characteristics is kept.
  • Devices
  • [FSD04-1834] - Fixed : An issue which caused the entire device deletion process to become stalled resulting in nothing being deleted. Resolves a situation where the devices were reporting in the DCA logs but were not in Printanista.
  • [FSD04-1643] - Fixed : Previously deleted (not deleted & blocked) devices did not reappear when a new audit occurred.
  • [FSD04-524] - Added : A new feature when Delete and Block is used. This is now considered as a soft delete. The device and historical data is retained for 30 days in the event the delete/block was done in error. This will also allow for future reporting.
  • [FSD04-522] - Added : "For Data Migration Purposes: - New hidden Switchable Feature to control the blocked new device behavior. This feature is set defaulting to Off (new devices will be created in the system as normal) - During import processing, if a device is new and feature is enabled, set the device to a Blocked state Ensure Device.LastAuditDate is updated on audit of these devices"
  • [FSD04-1533] - Added : A new report has been added to: Reports > Administration > Blocked Device History.
  • [FSD04-525] - Added : Devices tab has new features related to the state/status of devices. Delete option now opens a new window, allowing the user the option to Delete and Block and enter a Reason for the Delete action. In the Settings there are new Columns and Filters: State, State Change by, State Change Date and State Change Reason. You can choose to add the new Columns to your Templates. The new filters allow inquiry on the Who, When and Why the State of the device was changed.
  • [FSD04-523] - Updated : Billing behavior so devices that are active at any point during the month are accounted for
  • Migration
  • [FSD04-1707] - Fixed : An issue with parent account hierarchy when migrating from PrintAudit to Prinanista.
  • Security
  • [FSD04-1575] - Improved : Improved cookie properties to enhance security.
  • UI
  • [FSD04-1601] - Fixed : An Internal error occurring when interacting with Static Groups on Printanista: Cannot set column 'ServiceContact'. The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column. The Service Contract field was limited to a maximum of 100 characters.
  • Updating
  • [FSD04-1514] - Fixed : When updating versions and selecting Yes to additional options errors were generated. Occurred on FMAudit version 4.5.130 to 4.5.132 or Printanista 5.0 and 5.1.0.

Introducing Printanista Hub – Service Ticket Integration with e-automate feature on Printanista Hub version 5.1.0.
Printanista can now be configured to submit service tickets to e-automate service dispatch console based on various device servicing or error conditions. Printanista Hub monitors device events and can trigger alerts close to real-time, and that may have various outcomes, one being the integration with e-automate.
Printanista can automatically update or cancel existing service calls in e-automate if the device reports another new issue or if the issue is resolved with no manual user interaction being required. In addition, a service dispatcher can inspect the device live using the Remote Device Link technology that allows for a pre-check and troubleshooting before dispatching a technician on site.
  • Administration
  • [FSD04-1622] - Added : Ability to insert Onsite Installer Link to Manage Installer Templates Notification Email
  • Alerts
  • [FSD04-1550] - Addressed : An issue with filters was resolved with an update to Google Chrome. Due to Chrome update Version 105.0.5195.54 (Official Build) (64-bit) the filter option within both the devices tab and the alerts tab no longer returned results. This issue also resulted with a red border box around the filters indicating an issue.
  • [FSD04-1466] - Fixed : An issue where archived alerts was missing the "Closed" label
  • [FSD04-1835] - Fixed : Error in logs during ASM schedule run on trying to archive service tickets
  • [FSD04-1837] - Fixed : Further error in logs during ASM when trying to archive service alerts
  • Performance
  • [FSD04-1290] - Fixed : Deadlock error: When multiple queries were trying to read from the Account table
  • [FSD04-1283] - Fixed : Deadlock error: fmap_DeleteAuditDataBeforeDate Childless Audit deletion vs dbo.Device
  • [FSD04-1279] - Fixed : Deadlock error: fmap_DeleteAuditDataBeforeDate Sch-M locks
  • [FSD04-1483] - Improved : Query performance of screen load/displays when logged in with Dealer level permissions.
  • Devices
  • [FSD04-1550] - Addressed : An issue with filters was resolved with an update to Google Chrome. Due to Chrome update Version 105.0.5195.54 (Official Build) (64-bit) the filter option within both the devices tab and the alerts tab no longer returned results. This issue also resulted with a red border box around the filters indicating an issue.
  • Updating
  • [FSD04-1482] - Fixed : An issue when updating an existing database created an error in the update log - "Resolution of the dependency failed" .
  • [FSD04-1480] - Fixed : An issue causing errors when attempting to update an existing database using FmaCentralDatabaseUpdate.exe
  • [FSD04-1474] - Fixed : An issue when creating a new database using the SiteConfig tool which created an Incorrect syntax error.

  • Accounts
  • [FSD04-991] - Addressed : Removed limitation on length of IP Scan Ranges which resulted in some data not being imported. IP Scan ranges could be truncated on accounts with very large network IP ranges/individual IP's.
  • [FSD04-838] - Fixed : An issue with Manage Accounts when using the Delete Hierarchy button the Main Dealer account would delete in error.
  • Alerts
  • [FSD04-1466] - Fixed : An issue which caused the “Closed“ label to not be displayed in Alerts tab.
  • [FSD04-1460] - Fixed : An issue where Service Alerts were triggering for Unmanaged devices when the Alerts filter was set to Managed devices only.
  • [FSD04-788] - Added : Support for Special Characters in Contract Type filter due to alerts failing to trigger when a Contract Type filter method value contains special characters
  • [FSD04-262] - Addressed : Alerts fail to trigger when a modified filter method contains special characters
  • [FSD04-575] - Addressed : Addressed an issue with the handling of alerting contacts/roles for some customized alert actions
  • [FSD04-1029] - Fixed : Resolved issue where supply item would disappear when level was less than 20%.
  • [FSD04-165] - Fixed : An issue where errors showed in ASM logs when consumable alerts were created
  • [FSD04-532] - Fixed : An Internal Error when viewing 'Alerts' after upgrade from 5.0.0 GA (
  • [FSD04-562] - Fixed : An issue with consumable alerts emails not being sent
  • [FSD04-574] - Fixed : Resolved Alerts generated for unmanaged devices.
  • [FSD04-942] - Fixed : Multiple alerts incorrectly triggering when custom device fields could not be processed due to DB schema issues.
  • Documentation
  • [FSD04-1207] - Fixed : An issue when clicking the release notes link from any page with a sub menu location e.g. Reports or Admin section, the release notes page failed to load.
  • [FSD04-679] - Fixed : The Release Notes page when accessed from the megaphone icon at the top of the Printanista Hub home page
  • Logging
  • [FSD04-755] - Improved : Improved logging of dcahub messages
  • Performance
  • [FSD04-1260] - Fixed : Deadlocks by Optimizing query to remove unnecessary multiple reads against `dbo.Device`
  • [FSD04-1268] - Fixed : Optimize query to remove unnecessary multiple reads against `dbo.Device.State`
  • [FSD04-998] - Fixed : SSL/TLS error when communicating to MDS
  • Devices
  • [FSD04-1434] - Fixed : Fixed an issue which caused RDL-Remote Device Link to quit working.
  • [FSD04-1124] - Addressed : Manually edited Serial Numbers reverted to the device actual/original value Serial Number after imports processing.
  • [FSD04-1083] - Fixed : Ricoh IM C2000 inconsistent supply information and at times missing supplies causing issues with replenishments.
  • Reports
  • [FSD04-1165] & [FSD04-81] - Fixed : Email selector option in Account/Device Reporting Status reports was showing contacts that should not have been visible to the current user/hierarchy
  • [FSD04-266] - Fixed : An issue with Reports>Meters>Single Day Reports not processing on top level/parent account
  • UI
  • [FSD04-1124] - Fixed : Corrected display of the Printanista Hub Login screen/User Interface
  • [FSD04-506] - Improved : Added display of EdgeId to Printanista Hub User Interface and to the Manage DCA

  • Upgrading
  • [FSD04-169] - Resolved upgrade issue where database errors occurred due to schema changes in version 4.5.130
  • [FSD04-515] - Resolved issue where upgrades from version 4.5.130 would result in error

  • Administration
  • [B-93411] - FIXED : Startup Assistant: Added ability to set the Customer/Company name during the initial site setup
  • API
  • [D-74207] - FIXED : [Security] Public API calls return results from users with insufficient permissions 5.0.0
  • Deployment
  • [D-76462] - FIXED : Startup configurator launches on login when it should not.
  • Device Admin
  • [D-75699] - FIXED : Duplicated devices were created when scanning some virtualized devices
  • Licensing
  • [D-73650] - FIXED : Printanista Beta site license frequently fails to validate
  • Permissions
  • [D-75849] - FIXED : [Security] Permissions: Bulk Contact Management page not restricting permissions to current logged in user
  • Reports
  • [D-77107] - FIXED : Duplicate Key issue for account Onsite Instances prevent updating to Printanista
  • Security
  • [D-74505] - FIXED : [Security] Enhance security around certain configuration files to limit exposure
  • User Interface
  • [D-78689] - FIXED : The word Start in Edit Device Details Acquisition is surrounded by chevrons when browser set to Spanish and/or German
  • [D-74803] - FIXED : RDL not providing a progress message to user when loading the connection to a device
  • [D-73491] - FIXED : On Uninstall legacy DCA page: Ok and Cancel button fuctions were redundant
  • [D-76609] - FIXED : Global Search: Contact Dialogue shows account roles and view hierarchy when it should only show in the account context
  • [D-72262] - FIXED : UI: Alert icons in device grid were misaligning all other icons to the right