- [FS09-4182] Fixed: Resolved DCA connectivity challenges.
- [FS09-4089] Fixed: Filtered repetitive error messages to improve connection performance.
- [FS09-2787] Enhancement: Improvements made to connection throttling to better handle when MPS has multiple DCA connection requests.
- [FS09-3783] Enhancement: Added randomization to moderate and long intervals for ECI DCA reconnection attempts.
- [FS09-3243] Fixed: An issue with service error when uninstalling ECI DCA.
- [FS09-3640] Enhancement: Various performance improvements made to ECI Device Scan Tool
- [FS09-2580] Enhancement: Additional logging detail capabilities have been added.
- [FS09-3027] Enhancement: Additional logging detail/information capabilities.
- [FS09-2727] Enhancement: Added Successful or Unsuccessful message to end of completed MIBWalk tool. Users will not see “Successful End of Tree” or “Error Unsuccessful”.
- [FS09-2976] Enhancement: Various performance improvements.
- [FS09-2580] Fixed: Made changes to fix RDL-Remote Device Link page load errors when attempting to access the address book for Ricoh devices.
- [FS09-2283] Fixed: Changes were made to fix RDL-Remote Device Link errors for multiple FujiFilm Apeos models.
- [FS09-2488, FSR-634] Fixed: Resolved an issue when the Hostname contained "255" anywhere in the hostnaming convention (examples: 255hostname, host255name, hostname255). When a hostname containing "255" was detected this would cause the DCA to loop/crash/timeout and stop reporting with deadlock errors reported in the log fles.
- [FS00-01] Fixed: Improvements and additions have been made to the DCA logging related to connection events.
- [SR-6030] Fixed: An issue which prevented Total Mono and Total Color meters from reporting for a number of Samsung devices.
- [SR-5991] Fixed: a bug preventing meters from returning for some devices when scanned with the embedded legacy DCA.
- [FSD09-1034] Fixed: DCA connection issues with Long Polling causing "400 Bad Request" errors/
RDL - Remote Device Link
- [SR-5812] Improved: RDL-Remote Device Link connectivity and processing.
- [FSD09-873] Improved: Removed misleading errors in the logs that reported registration issues when there weren't any.
- [FSD09-929] Fixed: The Raspberry Pi installer messaging to reflect the correct SD card size of 8GB.
- [SR-5342] Fixed: ECI DCA installations were erroring out for Mac devices with M1 chips. Corrected these errors and provided more logging details in the event of an installation failure.
- [FSD09-627] Added: Certain entries in the MIB were not populated/created until a particular event occured for the device. Example:printing a particular page size like A. The AdditiveMeters processors have been updated to allow these entries to be part of meter calculations.
- [FSD09-133/206] Fixed: Improved RDL's ability to resolve HTTP re-directs coming from meta tags, which specifically prevented Canon devices from connecting via RDL.
- [FSD09-195] Fixed: removed a 100MB limit that was being applied to uploads via RDL so that larger firmware updates can still be applied
- [FSD09-596] Added: Introducing the ability to Remap FMAudit ECI DCA installations when migrating from FMAudit to Printanista.
- [FSD09-139] Fixed: Improved ECI DCAs ability to resolve host names, host names no longer have to be fully qualified and will now query the machines hosts file before using DNS.
- [FSD09-265] Added: The migration of proxy configurations from Print Audit ICE are now supported in Printanista ECI DCA.
- [FSD09-325] Fixed: Ensured device count and percent complete are reported accurately when an IP address is duplicated in the DCA Settings.
- [FSD09-434] Fixed: Resolved an issue where a file-lock and/or permissions issue would occur when upgrading from ECI DCA 1.5.0 on a Windows system.
- [FSD09-162] Addressed: ECI DCA not reconnecting due to the server version being misinterpreted
- [FSD09-164] Addressed: ECI DCA Duplicate Connections After Connection Timeout
- [FSD09-178] Addressed: Onsite fallback engine data not being processed into DCAhub correctly
- [FSD09-185] Addressed: Manually evaluated every Operating System to be supported
- [FSD09-229] Fixed: Unhandled exception in ECI DCA Service Monitor tray when launching for second time
- [FSD09-279] Fixed: ECI DCA logs suggest Discovery Scan completed despite included ranges not find 100.0% Complete
- [FSD09-388] Improved: Updated Onsite Expected Results for VPL
- [FSD09-389] Fixed: An issue with ECI DCA reconnect flagged as duplicate causing a failure to re-establish a connection
- [FSD09-390] Improved: Improve logging on MDS Mapping File download failure
- [FSD09-391] Improved: Upgrade log4net to 2.0.14 to avoid CVE-2018-1285 Upgrade signalr to 2.4.3 to avoid CVE-2005-2225, CVE-2008-0333 (may be false positives) Add OWASP Dependency-Checker suppressions file for false positives (misidentified as other applications)
- [FSD09-392] Fixed: Printanista Hub: Instance of Duplicate DCA EdgeIds causing reconnect loop
- [FSD09-393] Fixed : ECI DCA randomly stopped reporting devices
- [FSD09-79] Fixed: DCA logging error: There was an error invoking Hub method 'DcaHub.DataValueScanned'
- [FSD09-146] Improved: Updated supported platforms on for ECI DCA 1.5.1
- [FSD09-244] Fixed: Pi windows installer was getting an unhandled exception
- [FSD09-255] Fixed: Pi: windows installer hanging and would not install ECI DCA
- [FSD09-274] Addressed: Ubuntu 20.04: mono 6.8.0: ECI DCA auto-update: used previous version of ECI DCA in the service and it could not automatically detect mono
- [FSD09-80] Fixed: Get Error Code 5 resulting with Not Able to Auto-update from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1
- [FSD09-387] Addressed: ECI DCA app using 99% of RAM resources on some windows PC’s
- [B-86778] ADDED: Additional log details to improve troubleshooting, including startup info, uptime, and more timestamps
- [B-87740] ADDED: Discovery and scanning of USB devices from Printanista Workflow (requires Printanista Hub)
- [B-87810] ADDED: Support for TLS 1.3
- [B-88955] ADDED: Support for connections to Printanista Workflow API
- [D-67639] FIXED: "Can not convert Null to Int32" error reported in logs, TableData operation not handling null int/decimal values
- [D-68194] FIXED: Local user interface "Configure on Server" link is directing to HTTP version of the URL instead of HTTPS
- [D-68363] FIXED: Local network range configuration disappears and DCA stops scanning
- [D-68888] FIXED: Discovery process crashes and devices eventually go stale
- [D-69529] FIXED: "dca.log" file is being written to an incorrect location (should be C:\ProgramData\ECI DCA\logs)
- [D-74317] FIXED: Frequent SSL validation errors in logs: "SSL validation: DNS lookup failed"
- [B-73971] ADDED: Option to uninstall legacy DCA (FMAudit Onsite or Print Audit ICE) after upgrading to ECI DCA
- [D-68279] FIXED: Rare crash occurs on initial connection if "autodetect" ranges option is used and local network is not yet picked up
- [D-68296] FIXED: New install missing "Configure on Server" link in local user interface until the DCA service is restarted
- [D-68320] FIXED: Sudo setup and service start fails on some Linux systems
- -FIXED: Startup error occurs on Linux systems with multiple IPv6 interfaces
- [D-68508] FIXED: Issues with running the "config" command on Linux, resulting in failed automatic updates in some cases
- [D-68428] FIXED: Failure to get EdgeID on NanoPi (Rockchip) platform, resulting in DCA not reporting
- [D-71373] FIXED: DCA does not activate after the Raspberry Pi image is downloaded and installed
- [D-73347] FIXED: "Unable to load usbit32.dll" error occurs when using Windows installer for Raspberry Pi
Remote Device Link
- [B-74519] ADDED: Improve Remote Device Link timeout handling
- [B-85707] ADDED: Prevent RDL from connecting to any IP that is not a print device actively monitored by the DCA
- [B-88258] ADDED: Support for self-signed SSL certificates
- [D-70759] FIXED: Xerox AltaLink C8030 returning blank web page
- [D-72423] FIXED: Remote Device Link connection fails for IPv6 addresses
- [D-72469] FIXED: Error during device access crashes DCA
- [D-73645] FIXED: Cookies are not passed through, making it impossible to log in on some HP devices (returns HTTP 400 error)
- [D-74570] FIXED: Accessing a Canon iPR C710 via Fiery device results in an infinite redirect loop in the RDL client
- [D-74804] FIXED: "Submit" and "Start" buttons in some Kyocera device web pages cause 501 and 500 error
- [D-74805] FIXED: HP Color LaserJet FlowMFP M577 Admin login not working